
Developmental Editing

Developmental editing, sometimes known as substantive or structural editing, focuses on big-picture items like structure, gaps, and flow. This stage of editing comes before copyediting, which focuses on grammar, syntax, and punctuation.

Among other things, nonfiction developmental editing covers the following:

  • GOALS: Have you achieved the goals you set out for yourself in this book?

  • THESIS: How well are your arguments executed and your thesis conveyed?

  • GAPS: Are there any gaps and blind spots in logic or narration?

  • FLOW: Are the chapters and their contents in the right order?

You will get your manuscript back in a Word document, marked up with Track Changes and comments, as well as an editorial report. In that document, I will identify areas for improvement and provide solutions to address them.

Not sure if your manuscript is ready for a developmental edit? No worries! I also provide manuscript assessments to help steer you in the right direction.



Manuscript Assessment

A manuscript assessment is a great way to get a high-level review of your manuscript, highlighting its strengths, and proposing solutions to any identified issues.

A manuscript assessment covers the same areas as a developmental edit. The difference is that I will not be editing the manuscript directly. Instead, I will produce a 5- to 10-page report to help guide you towards next steps.

This service is an ideal choice if you’re not sure that your manuscript is ready for a developmental edit, or if you’d like professional feedback for a fraction of the cost of a full developmental edit!

Seeking some clarity about the state of your manuscript? Send it my way, and I’ll point the path forward!



Writing Coaching

If your manuscript isn’t quite ready for a developmental edit, I can help you get there. As a writer, you don’t have to do it all yourself! A second pair of eyes from an industry professional might be just the thing you need.

Among other things, I can help you with:

  • YOUR VISION: We will clarify your vision and come up with a thesis statement and outline.

  • GOAL SETTING: In the writing stage, we will be setting goals to help you stay on track.

  • WRITER’S BLOCK: When you feel stuck, I will provide tools to help you move forward.

  • BOOK PROPOSALS: At the right stage, I can help you draft proposals to agents and publishers.

Outside of our scheduled coaching calls, I also provide my clients with editorial support and constructive feedback on written material.

Being a lone-wolf writer just isn’t working out for you? I’ve got you covered! Reach out and I can help you regain clarity and motivation.